Global Triathlon Safety Task Force (GTSTF), is a body created by several National Federations and private organizers with the mission of:

  • Save One Life (for starters);
  • Reduce Fatalities and Serious Injuries;
  • Focus on helping National Federations and race directors host races during the current health crisis.

Members of the GTFT are:

  • World Triathlon – Sports Department and Medical Committee
  • USA Triathlon
  • Japan Triathlon Union
  • Triathlon Australia
  • British Triathlon Federation
  • Spanish Triathlon Federation
  • Triathlon South Africa
  • Mexico Triathlon
  • Triathlon Singapore
  • Triathlon Chile
  • Ironman Corporation
  • French Triathlon Federation
  • Challenge Family
  • Egypt Triathlon Federation
  • Triathlon Brasil
  • Saudi Triathlon

The objective and the purpose of the GTSTF is:

  • Shift to a more holistic approach to reducing serious injuries and deaths;
  • Starting in 2021, host races that are safe for athletes, volunteers, race officials, spectators, and the hosting community.
  • 2024: Help National Federations and race directors to be better prepared to address uncontrollable changes in the environment.

The charge of the task force is to:

  • Develop data-driven solutions with practical applications based on the ongoing collection of current and historic data;
  • Education of race directors, participants, coaches, clubs, officials, and volunteers;
  • Share best practices related to safety across race directors and governing federations worldwide.

As part of their effort to educate the Triathlon World Community, a new series of webinars is taking place with an overall focus on safety and athletes in the sport.

26 June 2024 - Addressing Air Pollution and Extremes in Air Temperature in Triathlons

Environmental factors are having a significant impact on hosting safe races throughout the world. The Global Triathlon Safety Task Force will be recording a webinar to discuss the science behind how air quality and extreme temperatures affects participants, and what can be implemented to minimize risk.

The panelists participating in this webinar all have significant experience in dealing with weather related issues and will share important insights on dealing with these challenges:

  • Paolo Emilio, Medical Manager, World Athletes
    • A review of the science behind how air pollution and temperature impact races
  • Ben Stephenson, Physiologist and performance lead with UK Sports Institute and Vicky Tolfrey, Professor of Applied Disability Sports, Loughborough University
    • The impact on athletes on air quality and temperature in races.
  • Yannis Pitsiladis, Professor of Sports and Exercise Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
    • New technology for tracking athletes’ vital signs during the race in real-time
  • Thanos Nikopoulos, Head of Operations, World Triathlon
    • Specific rules for air quality and temperature extremes for World Triathlon events

23 May 2023 - Medical Operations Planning

PDF icon Medical Operations Planning Introduction

PDF icon Medical Operations Planning Presentation

Video icon Medical Operations Planning Video

6 December 2022 - Athletes' responsibility to minimize risk

PDF icon Athletes' responsibility to minimize risk Introduction

PDF icon Athletes' responsibility to minimize risk Presentation

Video icon Athletes' responsibility to minimize risk Video

20 September 2022 - Swim safety

PDF icon Swim Safety Introduction

PDF icon Swim Safety Presentation

Video icon Swim Safety Video